
The top 10 things I have learned so far this week

 1. No matter how many times you throw up, you can still throw up more.  2. You can spend an entire hour crying over the soundtrack to Moana.  3. You can make your son super upset by trying to joke about Cancer.  4. You spend a whole lot of time comparing the effects of Chemo to the effects of being pregnant. Tired and Nauseous.  ALL. THE. TIME.  5. You honest to God forget everything.  6. My kid is graduating in 3 months and 5 days.  7. You cry A LOT.  8. Conversations with your dog become a real thing.  9. You become very possessive of YOUR blanket. 10.God is still Good.

Side Effects

You know how most drugs have a list of side effects that pretty much make it seem like you would rather just live with whatever it is you have then deal with the side effects of the drug that is "supposed" to make you feel better? Imagine that with Chemo. I literally went to a Chemo class where they handed me this booklet of side effects. BOOKLET PEOPLE. It was rather intimidating. But me being the OPTIMISTIC person I am decided in my feeble brain that yeah I will probably have a couple of them and that's it. No. That's not it. You get ALL of them.  ALL OF THEM !!! Here's the kicker though.  It's not all at once! No, those little evil things sneak up and sucker punch you right in the face! 1. Nausea? Here you go. 2. Headache? Yep, we will do that one too. 3. Fatigue? Buy new sheets.  4. Mouth Sores? Yeah she won't feel like eating. Go back to Side Effect #1 5. ACNE. What the What?!?! I woke up this morning, looked in the mirro

Guess What? Life is going to suck for you the next 6 months! Congratulations!

It'a about to get real peeps. I have been tired.  I have been sick.  I have been sick and tired. FOR A LONG TIME. But I never dreamed they would ever tell me I had cancer.  The big C.  I mean.  Geez.  Seriously. Enough already.  I feel like I have already gone through enough in my life that I really don't need to add in a big scary disease on top of it. Obviously God has other plans. The good news?  The doctors are *pretty* sure they got it all. The bad news? The doctors are not *absolutely* sure they got it all. "Cancer cells are microscopic and as such you just have no way of knowing that the surgery removed it all completely and since it was in your lymph nodes we need to do 12 rounds of Chemo just to be sure it doesn't come back..." and blah, blah, blah. Honestly it's hard not to scream at them when they are telling you they are going to pump you full of poison for the next 6 months. "You will need to drive to Mercy in the City (abou